Guillaume Pinot home page


My name is Guillaume Pinot. I am a UTC engineer in computer science. I have a Master's degree in computer science « Système d'Aide à la Décision » (decision support system). I have a Ph.D in applied computer science.

For more informations, you can read my academic curriculum vitæ in french or my linkedin profile.

Ph.D thesis


My Ph.D thesis subject is Coopération homme-machine pour l'ordonnancement sous incertitudes (Cooperation between Human and Machine for Scheduling under Uncertainties). I have done this thesis between october 2005 and november 2008 under the direction of Pierre Castagna, Nasser Mebarki and Jean-Michel Hoc at the IRCCyN laboratory, ACSED and PsyCoTec teams.

Members of the jury:


Most of the research in scheduling is based on determinism models, not adapted to the reality of shop scheduling. Indeed, manufacturing systems are subject to uncertainties. This is why scheduling under uncertainties is a booming field.

Moreover, humans are not taken into account in most of the scheduling methods. However, humans have a central role in the scheduling process, and their knowleadges are precious. This is why we think that efficient human-machine systems is indispensible for an efficient scheduling process.

To achieve this goal, group sequencing is used. This scheduling method has different advantages: it is made to manage the uncertainties present in the shop floor, and its structure is easy to use by the human. We study existing human-machine systems for group sequencing. Then, we propose a new system to improve the cooperation between human and machine. In this new human-machine system, we use the best case quality in a group sequence. Because this subject is not studied by the literature, we propose lower bounds, heuristics and an exact method to solve this problem.

Research Groups

Under the scope of my thesis, I have been involved in the HOPS research network. HOPS stands for Human and Organisational factors in industrial Planning, Scheduling, and Control and is supported by COST, the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research.


International conferences

Francophone conferences

Scientific book chapters



The references to these publications are available in BibTeX format here.

Some references in BibTeX format are available here.

You can also see my page on HAL.

Software development

Software for my thesis

Under the scope of my thesis, I develop an OCaml sofware made to work on group scheduling. The software provided a library, some data and some programs.

I use bazaar to develop this software. There is a bazaar repository at See bazaar's web site to see how to use bazaar.

You can download an archive (with bazaar history) here. It may be out of date. You can have the documentation of the library here.

Teaching (in french)

Situation :

Volume horaire par type (Août 2010) :

Soit, au total, 435,04heTD (Août 2010).

Pour plus d'information, voir mon curriculum vitæ académique.

External links

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